Blue Resonance
Mobile App Services
Blue Resonance's Mobile Core Strategy™ service is based on a five step process which has proven extremely effective for our customers in their programs to expand their services onto mobile platforms. We work with each of our customers and walk through each step of the strategy. These steps are:
Step 1. Mobile Core Ambition
Success can never happen if an intention of an endeavor is not understood or constituted. At Blue Resonance we are fanatical believers in the power of intention. This is why we start all of our engagements with customers by understanding and helping customers establish their ambition for their mobile app programs. Typically these ambitions include business/financial and operational objectives, but can include philanthropic or publically beneficial objectives as well. We work with clients to document these ambitions as well as set up a set of metrics to measure milestones and outcomes that help monitor, measure and manage our path to meeting these stated ambitions.
Step 2: Mobile Core Topology
Once our outcome is understood, we then work with clients to understand the best topology for the mobile system. In general, our philosophy is to have the cloud handle most of heavy lifting when it comes to analytics, date management and memory. In this case the cloud can be a customer’s existing servers or 3rd party hosted servers. Also, in many cases businesses will already have a server based system that is working well and only want to develop a simple yet compelling mobile application window to enable mobile interaction with the existing system. Conversely, a business may also want to take advantage of an ever widening spectrum of new possibilities introduced through mobile systems to enhance their offerings and services. Real time contextual data from handheld platforms (like time of day, GPS, camera, microphone, etc.) provide an opportunity to provide non-linear value amplification to end customer systems. Using Mobile Core Topology, Blue Resonance engineers can find the right balance between “cloud and client” processing responsibilities to maximize system efficiencies, use-ability, simplicity of design and system stability.
Step 3: Mobile Core Design
Blue Resonance engineers work with clients on the planning and design for the mobile application and also any design work needed to be added to the client system infrastructure. Blue Resonance works in a way to find the absolute minimum work necessary to reach outcomes established in Mobile Core Ambition. All aspects of design are planned and executed including wireframes, use case modeling and aesthetics. Blue Resonance works with clients each step of the way to make sure there are no surprises or misunderstandings.
Step 4: Mobile Core Security
Blue Resonance designs in security along every step of the development process. As customer information security, privacy, system integrity and availability are paramount to most enterprise systems – Blue Resonance has made security a high priority in our service offerings. Security is also application dependent. Therefore, Blue Resonance works closely with our clients to ensure that the right elements of each system are built in a way that meets security requirements.
Step 5: Mobile Core Support
Blue Resonance Enterprise works closely with customers to bring up and ensure that new mobile platforms are working according to customer expectations. Unlike others, we do not toss code over the wall and wish you the best. Our customer engagements follow a rigorous process for introduction, testing and analysis to ensure that everything is stable. In addition, with most of our clients, Blue Resonance offers flexible and cost effective long term support agreements so that our customers can focus on their businesses and not worry about maintaining their mobile platforms.